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Waste management

All such waste which can adversely harm the environment or health of a person is considered as infectious and termed as Bio-Medical Waste (BMW). Every health care facility should ensure appropriate collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of bio-medical waste as per the latest Bio Medical Waste Management Rules (BMWM).

AAPLA DAWAKHANA should ensure that there is a designated central waste collection corner situated within its premises for storage of bio-medical waste till the waste is picked.

Availability of dedicated biomedical waste disposal facility/deep burial pit along with septic tank and soaking pit should be ensured in the AAPLA DAWAKHANA. ULB should make arrangements for disposal of general/municipal waste. It should also be ensured that disposal of human anatomical waste, soiled waste and biotechnology waste is done within 48 hours.

General waste consists of all the waste other than bio-medical waste, which has not been in contact with any hazardous or infectious, chemical, or biological secretions and does not include any waste sharps. Such waste is required to be handled as per Solid Waste Management Rules and Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, as applicable.

Liquid waste management is another area which needs adequate attention and for smaller health care facilities the liquid waste and effluents can be treated in the area where it is generated, before disposal in drainage system. Other wastes consist of electronic equipment, used batteries, and radio-active wastes which are not covered under biomedical wastes but have to be disposed as and when such wastes are generated as per the provisions laid down under E-Waste (Management) Rules, Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, and Rules/Guidelines under the latest Atomic Energy Act, respectively.