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Enabling functions

The Finance team is responsible for all payment related activities and related statutory compliances.
You may contact them for any issues relating to claims, reimbursements, advances, allowances, tax,
project invoicing, budgeting, accounting etc.
The Administration team is responsible for overall maintenance of the building, asset
procurement and maintenance, stationery, email login IDs, ID cards as well as providing all logistical
support (in station official commute, out station travel – hotel, ticket, venue, etc.) to employee.
Technical support & operational support
The technical support and operational support team is responsible for hiring software engineers,
SMEs, operation manager and technical delivery of the applications. The Server team is responsible
for maintaining the servers deployed for the data.

Personal Records

  • The Human Resource Team maintains personnel records of each employee in personnel files. These files are the property of Medongo and access to the information is restricted to specific select roles.
  • To ensure that your personal file is up to date, you must notify HR of any changes in your name, telephone number, address, marital status, dependent details, beneficiary details, new scholastic achievements, emergency contact details, medical condition (if any) and any other information timely

PAN and Aadhar Number
All employees are required to have a PAN and Aadhar number as per Income Tax rules. The PAN and
Aadhar number must be shared with HR while joining. In case you don’t have a PAN/ Aadhar number you
are expected to apply for a number without further delay and share details with HR on receiving the

Non-Smoking/ Drugs/ Alcohol free Office Premises
Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside office premises. Possession, Consumption, selling of
non-prescribed controlled substance, drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited. The management
reserves the right to send employee for a test in case it is felt that employee has grossly violated
the organisation’s guidelines. Refusal to cooperate/ go for a test will be liable for disciplinary