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Shortlisting may involve the whole panel but must be carried out by a minimum of two people to avoid any possibility of bias, one of whom would normally be the direct line manager.

Shortlisting and selection panels for technical team must meet the minimum composition requirements, as outlined in the management guidance, and should be constituted with due consideration to the promotion of Equality and Diversity.

A member of HR will not normally be on a panel unless it is a panel for Chair appointments. Notes of the shortlisting decisions for each candidate should be recorded by each member of the panel on the Interview Feedback form . The Form should be returned to the HR team department once the shortlisted candidates for interview have been selected.

Shortlisted candidates should be provided with details of the selection process, including any tests, in writing giving as much prior notice as possible and a minimum of 5 working days before the interview. They should also be asked to advise if there are any particular arrangements or reasonable adjustments that could be made so that they can participate fully in the selection process.

All candidates (internal and external) should be assessed objectively against the selection criteria set out in the role specification , and only candidates who meet all the essential criteria should be short-listed. Assumptions about the qualities of internal candidates should not be made.