Aapladawakhana Service Delivery Proposal

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Patient registration with detailed information including Image captures.

  • Registration of family members.
  • Automatic generation of unique Identifier for patient as well as each family member.
  • Advanced multi-criteria search/categorization for registered patients.
  • Printing of patient id card.

Patient EMR

  • Fluid, fast and easy to use GUI to make data collection easy for the consulting doctors, nurses, assistants etc.
  • Complete clinical data repository.
  • ICD-11\SNOMED CT Codes for Diagnosis and Clinical Findings.
  • Laboratory reports, clinical procedure records, etc.

Inventory Management

  • Provide an extensive list of drugs available
  • Real time monitoring of medicine stock.
  • Accurate reporting of consumption details.
  • E-Prescription generation and printing.
  • Easy integration of medicine dispensing to MVM (Medicine Vending Machine) module.
  • Auto generates alerts when stock reached to its minimum level.
  • Analyze data and provide site wise analytics.
  • Distribution plotting of diseases and provisional diagnostics
  • Daily/Monthly/Weekly reporting on multiple parameters like demographics, disease distribution, medicine usage etc.
  • AdHoc reporting of up to 3 types of parameter.

Various predetermined report formats are available. MedOnGo will generate custom reports as required. We
will also auto-generate reports periodically and mail them to a predetermined list of recipients. In addition, adhoc reports are available.
Some of the sample reports that are available are as follows

Daily Patient Report UIFollow-up Patient Report
Daily Patient ReportReferral Report
Disease ReportPrescription Report
Daily ReportTest Report
Cumulative OP ReportTotal Balance Stock Report
Cumulative Data CountInventory Consumption Report
Nutrition ReportAd-Hoc Consult Report UI
Feedback ReportAttendance Report
Audit ReportsBill Report
Continuous care
  • Generate alerts for Follow-up patients for the current dates
  • Automated notification (SMS, Patient app) to patients for follow-up visits, preventive services etc.
  • Automated notification for preventive screening of patients
  • Mechanism to capture details of MCH patient and track, monitor and notify patient data abnormalities, missed testing, follow-ups
  • Comprehensive management of accounts, attendance etc.
  • Interface to enable add remove master data.
  • Easy export and import of data
  • Comprehensive bill generation based on the inventory and consumables used.
  • Billing based on income category.
  • Billing based on cover amount.
  • Printed copy of the bills.